My Writer Friends are KILLING IT

Having one of those Wednesdays where all you want to do is stare off into space and pick at your cuticles and nap? Well, I’m going to point you toward some really beautiful things here, which will lift you out of your doldrums. They were all written by friends of mine, who are killing it, and they will take you in and share something with you, if you sit still and let them.

First, by Lisa Marie Basile, “Confession: On Being An Orphan, Using Men For Comfort & Ending Codependency.” It reads like a long-form poem that’s prose and a dream.

Second, a short story called “Satellites” by my writing buddy Lucas Ahlsen, which was semi-inspired by ME and which is just a gorgeous piece of fiction.

And third, “Red Wine & Bodies: On My Love Affair With Dance” by Alyssa Morhardt-Goldstein. If you’ve never quite known what to do at dance performances, or felt uncomfortable in a contemporary dance space, or think performance art is just too weird, consider this hauntingly beautiful article a guide.

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