Check it out, everybody! The publishing company I co-founded with my amazing partner, visual artist Jayel Draco, has just released its first book, The Great Nations of Rendaraia, and we are getting alllll kinds of love for our efforts! Give these links a look!
- Oneshi Press holding a big launch party/art show TONIGHT to celebrate the book’s release. There will be books for sale (which Jayel will be signing), original art on display, art prints for purchase (and also signing), booze, snacks, and an animated video reading of the book’s introduction played throughout the evening, featuring the voice talent of artist John Kazanjian and an original score from musician Jack Shell! If you’re in Missoula, stop by the Shakespeare & Co. bookstore between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. Or, if you’re not nearby, sign in to Jayel’s Twitch channel to watch a live-stream of the event! We’ll also be live-tweeting and streaming live on Instagram and maybe Facebook throughout the evening!
- Jayel and I were featured on this week’s episode of “Adrian Has Issues,” a weekly pop culture podcast! Fan extraordinaire Adrian King conducts candid interviews with comic book creators, musicians, filmmakers, and more. We talked about building immersive worlds, staying progressive and inclusive, and not being vampires. You can stream the podcast from the “Adrian Has Issues” website, or find it on your favorite podcast platform!
- We were also interviewed by the Missoulian newspaper, which released a fabulous, in-depth article about our chat online yesterday. The article will be featured in today’s copy of the print newspaper, as well!
All things told, we’re super excited about all the positive attention the book is getting! If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can get one from our website, or order on Amazon. When you’re finished, reviews on Amazon or Goodreads help spread the word!