So. This graphic novel I wrote about a badass awesome smart hardcore woman named Tracy Queen? This woman who’s a scientist, a warrior, an ex-crime boss, a mother to a race of cyborg-clones, a shut-in, and a porn star? The graphic novel about humanity and love and friendship and sex and betrayal and war and more sex? This feminist, sex-positive, epic, weird, funny, out-there sci-fi graphic novel?
Check it out: it’s being created by my publishing company, Oneshi Press. And Oneshi Press has just released an eight-page sample that’s censored for “modesty” but still so badass it’s NSFW anyway. Because that’s how Tracy is. She doesn’t even grasp the concept of “toning it down.”
And get this: you can download it for free from the Oneshi Press Patreon page! Click the link. CLICK THE LINK!
The sample is a collection of eight non-consecutive pages that give you a smattering of Tracy’s exploits with her best friend, Nikola and their army of cyborg-clones. There’s also gorgeous cover and pinup art by Jayel Draco, and a bit of information on the graphic novel itself.
Oh, and if you’re really concerned about what happened to all those nipples we censored out of the sample–never fear! You can wash down your totally uncensored dose of senseless violence (because that’s totally OK amirite?), you can get a peek at the sexy stuff, too! If you subscribe at the HELPER level to Oneshi Press’s Patreon campaign, we’ll send you the uncensored and extremely NSFW version of the sample, along with other rewards! (Hint: Nipples, people. Nipples.)
We’re working on making the graphic novel a reality, but the artwork by Jayel Draco is extremely labor- and time-intensive, as is the process of printing the serial volumes we’ll release before the novel comes out as a whole. So we’re raising money to help us pay ourselves while we work on this awesomeness, and we’re hoping that you’ll want to help out. We’re pretty sure that if you like feminism, sex-positivity, sci fi, badassery, or, well, nipples–the Tracy Queen sample might make you want to help out even more. Check out our Patreon campaign to learn more, or Tracy Queen’s website, or her blog!