I’m Guest Blogging at Oneshi Press about How to Write Comics

how to write comics guest blogging lynsey g

The theme for November is writing. Like, a lot. Writing so, so many words. To date, I’ve written nearly 10.5K words of my 50K goal for #NaNoWriMo. (You can follow along with my progress on Twitter if you want, by the way.) And, because that’s apparently not enough writing for me…I’m also guest blogging at Oneshi Press this month!

I’ve been writing, editing, and publishing comics for a while now. I’ve written three issues of PACK (of which 2 are out), eight issues of Tracy Queen (of which one is out), and several short comics (like this one). And I’ve edited and published dozens of others. That means that I spend quite a lot of my time thinking about how comics are written. I come at them from the perspective of a creator, but also through the critical lens of an editor and a curator. So, while I don’t know everything about writing comics…I know quite a bit!

And, since Oneshi Press (my publishing company) is dedicated to providing a platform for amazing indie creators with all experience levels, I thought I’d share some of that knowledge with aspiring comics writers. So, I’m blogging about How to Write Comics for Oneshi Press all month!

So far, I’ve published just one blog post: an overview of some of the most important “rules” (in air quotes because there are remarkably few actual rules in this sandbox) for writing comics. Go check it out!

And I’ll be guest blogging on more specific projects for the next three weeks, so stay tuned!

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