So There’s This Kickstarter…
As you may have heard because I’ve been talking about it like a LOT… I’ve got a Kickstarter going on right the hell now. It’s for a comic book series I’m writing called PACK. It’s about vigilante dogs fighting police corruption, gentrification, and general bad-guy-ness. Pretty badass. And it’s got a heart of gold, if I do say so myself!
We’ve got the coolest freakin’ rewards, like a mask template you can use to cosplay as Patience, a light-up paw print sign, oodles of comics, and more. For real, it’s cool. Go check it out!
Anyway, the campaign is ending TOMORROW, and I’m going live on Twitch that night for an epic countdown!
The Countdown Starts Tomorrow!
It looks like we’ll probably be celebrating…but Kickstarters are unpredictable roller coasters of funding and emotion. So it’s possible we’ll be crying.
Either way, I’d love for you to be there to help me through the ups and downs!
So join me live on Twitch, along with my partner Jayel and our cat, Chalithor. We’ll go live around 5:00 pm MDT (that’s 7:00 Eastern/4:00 Pacific). And we’ll stay live until the campaign ends at 7:00 pm MDT (9:00 Eastern/6:00 Pacific).
Join us! You can sign in to Twitch for absolutely free, and you don’t have to download any software! If you’re signed in, you can participate in the live chat to help keep our spirits up during the last few hours of the campaign, when our nerves will surely be jangling! Countdowns are like that.

That’s Jayel, Chalithor, and me! (Image by Michel Abstracto.)

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