Because things can never be easy, I have fallen sick with some kind of stomach bug and sinus problems the day before my move. I’m going to leave work early to go home and rest/drink broth/pack. I really want to talk about this article on Salon about how to deal with finding your kid’s porn… Basically, a guy on Reddit posted a note he wrote to his son when he found evidence of porn surfing on the family computer. The note included suggestions for safe (no spyware, etc) porn sites, but no discussion about the fact that porn ain’t real. Notes make sense in this context, but are they enough? Shouldn’t there be a more open and ongoing conversation about sex with your own kids? Why are people so terrified of being honest with their kids? In the article, experts respond. And so on and so forth. Lots to talk about! But no time at present! Please, discuss amongst yourselves! I’ll be back after I’m a Brooklynite!