I guess it’s a good thing I understand that there are not enough Os, Ms, Gs, or :)s in the world to express how overjoyed I am right now, or else this post might just be a repetition of “OMG:)” like a bazillion times. And nobody wants to read that.
Instead, I’m going to attempt to write a short post right now about how totally gobsmacked I am by the fact that this weekend, in Toronto, I was awarded an Honourable Mention (yes, with a “u” because it’s Canada, and that’s fabulous) Feminist Porn Award for my short film “Consent: Society”!!!
Suffice it to say, I did not expect that to happen because “Society” is not a porn film, or a website, or really any of the things that the FPAs are usually given out for. What it is instead is a documentary-style short film I originally created for an art show at apexart here in New York, featuring clips from interviews I did with over twenty people, including porn performers, directors, writers, producers, and critics, as well as porn consumers. These interview clips were arranged according to topic and interspersed with clips from porn films to illustrate points and remind viewers of the subject matter being discussed, thus avoiding the “ivory tower” effect that can happen in the intellectualization of the medium. I submitted the re-edited film “Society” (there were major glitches in the first go-round, as there were in the three other short films, “Morality,” “Reality,” and “Industry”) to the Feminist Porn Awards because I thought it might interest the judges, and because I wanted to give my lil’ art film a chance to get some air outside the art space.
But I sent it in late. I didn’t think it would arrive in time for the deadline. I certainly didn’t expect it to get nominated, and when it was nominated I certainly didn’t expect to win anything. But I did take the nomination as an excuse to go to Toronto for the Awards (the funnest party in porn, IMHO) and the Feminist Porn Conference and to hang out with My People.
So when they called my name on Saturday night… I kind of shat a brick. (Not literally, thank goodness, since I was wearing skin-tight pleather leggings.) I have no idea what I said on that stage, or who announced the award, or what the hell happened.
But I want to take this moment to thank everyone who helped this film happen: Joseph Patrick Conroy for being my go-to video editor, his wife Mariko for opening her house to me for the months of editing Joe and I did right after she had a baby, everyone apexart for giving me a reason to make these films in the first place, my indescribably wonderful partner Jayel Draco for helping me re-edit, Jenelle Campion for helping me with filming in San Francisco, Lolly Gagger for interviewing me for the video… And all the people I interviewed!! April Flores, Madison Young, Sinnamon Love, Danny Wylde, Cindy Gallop, Kelly Shibari, Oriana Small, Nyomi Banxxx, Lux Alptraum, Brittany Andrews, Dan Reilly, Mr. Marcus, Natasha Starr, Lolly Gagger, Anton, Paige, Albert, Michelle, and my two “Anonymous”-es! Thank you for opening up your brains and hearts to me to discuss your relationships with, and thoughts on, pornography. This shit is important, and the people at Good For Her, who give out these awards, think so, too!
Congratulations on all the other winners, especially to Carlos Batts, April Flores, Jiz Lee, Courtney Trouble, and Sophie Delancey! Snuggles to you all!
I’ll have more in the next few days, including pictures, thoughts on the Awards and the Convention, etc.
In the meantime, you can view “Society” and the other three videos, all in their first incarnations (which is to say, a little glitchy), here. If you would like a DVD of “Society,” please let me know (@misslagsalot, Facebook.com/LynseyLagsalot, or misslagsalot @ gmail). I don’t have a solid distribution model set up, but I’m more than happy to send you one for a nominal fee to cover shipping. I really want these videos to get out there in the world. They’re important!
AND: if you were at the FPAs on Saturday night and picked up one of my “TALK. ABOUT. PORN.” stickers, please stick it someplace awesome and send me a photo!