Revisiting “The Great Gangbang Interview”

A few years ago, I reviewed a film that Sabrina Deep made called “Fanbang,” in which she had sex with a whole lot of her fans on films, gangbang style. I’d met Sabrina before I saw the film and was interested to learn that she really loves doing gangbangs. So while I watched “Fanbang,” rather than letting my mind go through the litany of typical, “Oh my god is this OK? Is she being hurt right now?” thoughts, I examined the film a little more technically. And I ended up with a lot of questions about gangbangs: the logistics, for starters. How do you orchestrate something like that? It’s complicated.

So I talked to Sabrina about it. And about three years ago, I wrote up a two-part interview called The Great Gangbang Interview. I just came upon it in the archives and I’m going to direct you to it, because honestly, it’s fascinating reading:

Part I: “You can say: ‘You disrespected me,’ but how can you say, ‘You disrespected yourself’? Self-respect is like personal taste, like your own mood, like your good or bad sight: it can’t be decided by others.”

Part II: “The communal experience contributes to increase and to vehicle the pleasure, but without orgasms I wouldn’t see the point of having a communal experience in bed, rather than in a pub or at a restaurant.”

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