Tag: smart
I’ll Be LIVE on “Sluts & Scholars” this Thursday!
Ooooooh gosh, folks. I’m psyched to announce that TOMORROW, August 24, I’ll be the live guest on Sluts & Scholars on Vivid Radio! If you’re not familiar with this fabulous podcast yet, first, what are you doing with your life? And second, you should start listening. The Sluts & Scholars podcast is co-hosted by the wonderful Nicolette and Simone. Together, they interview all sorts of…
Lynsey G. Is Going LIVE!
I’ll be going LIVE on air and in the flesh for a Twitch Q&A, Vivid Radio, Book Soup, and TwitchCon! Mark your calendars for these dates!
Belle Knox Being Smart Is Actually Pretty Normal, and Oh, by the Way, GET OVER the Porn vs. Feminism Issue Already!
I’m so happy to see that Belle Knox is going way public about her choice of career, and defending herself eloquently in print and on television. I’m so glad there’s been a lot of support for her (alongside all the endless bashing) on the internet. And I’m so gratified–this is a bit trickier to explain–that…
Interview Excerpts Part II
A few more interview snippets to keep your mouths watering and your brains working, my darlings… Drew Deveaux is the hottest thing to hit the queer porn scene in the past few years, taking fans and performers alike by storm, winning this year’s Heatthrob of the Year award at the Feminist Porn Awards, and generally…