Well, now that Consent is over at apexart (but hey, don’t fret if you didn’t get to see it! you can watch all the videos here!), I’ve packed all my porno DVDs up and brought them back to my apartment… where they are now taking up a HUGE amount of space in the corner of my office. At last count, I had… I have no idea. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 250, I guess. These DVDs are mostly the remnants of what companies have mailed to me over the past four or five years for review. Most of them have never even been viewed–even if I reviewed porn full time, I’d never have time to get to all of these. They cover just about every genre, every fetish, every niche of the porn industry, from the awesomely fabulous queer stuff to the artsy European stuff to the hardcore gonzo stuff out of LA to major film parodies. They were stacked up around ten feet tall (I guess? I never measured) in the corner of the art space during Consent, and now that they’ve served that purpose… I don’t know what to do with them. I certainly don’t have any need for hundred of porno DVDs anymore.
So I’m trying to crowdsource the best answer to the following question: what should I do with all of them? Mailing them out to readers/fans is a dangerous prospect, since mailing porn across state lines, even if the person on the other end requested it, can result in obscenity charges, and I have nothing set up to prove that anyone is legally of age to receive porn, so that’s out. I have an urge to make more art out of them–maybe convince an art space here in NYC to let me pile them all up and put a big sign up over that pile saying, “Free porn!” and get people to come take it, all while being filmed (there’d be a sign saying “You’re Being Filmed,” etc, too, for legality’s sake). Then I could play back the video at super-high speed to see what the response was like. That’d be fun, but again, letting people go home with explicit material could present legal issues… Or maybe I could make some sort of sculpture or mural out of them… A giant octopus made of porn? A pornopus? Or a mural that’s like one of those phot0-collage-style pictures with porn box covers on a wall somewhere…
Hm. I have so many ideas! What do you guys think?
Hi Lynsey. How about the Museum of Sex/NY archive?
I love your art space idea, though.
Those are great art ideas.
I especially love the FREE PORN videotaping one.
Those DVDs are extra interesting because of its journey with you
…I bet you could sell it as a bulk collection…
…in the context of your show and your life…
maybe as an auction at a sex toy store
(a cool one like Good Vibrations might let you do that).
or a Pornopus. Yes.
Hmmm… Maybe I could work one of the art installation ideas around to be displayed AT the Museum of Sex or another space… keep the ideas coming! Love them!
Am Matthew live at flat 11 kings mere cut Hurst lane Eastbourne bn21 2px I have your DVDs porn I get them I have all
Sorry, Matthew, I gave them all away a few years ago!