Happy new year, dearest readers! I hope your 2016 is starting off well, in whichever way is best for each of you. Personally, mine is starting in a tizzy of busy as I plan a busy business trip.

I am in the throes of planning–in minute detail, because I love making to-do lists–a two-week trip to Los Angeles and Las Vegas, where I will be attending the two biggest events in adult film. First I’ll be press-passing my way into the seminars, panels, keynotes, and mixers of the XBIZ 2016 Show, and hopefully the Awards, too, if I can finagle it. I may stop by the Sexual Health Expo over the weekend. Then it will be on to Sin City for the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, Adult Novelty Expo, and AVN Awards red carpet, where I will basically be pestering everyone I see for interviews. (fun links after the jump!)
I’m collecting up-to-date info and interviews and thoughts for the book I’m writing, since I’m kind of a bad journalist and I don’t stay completely savvy on the latest news all the time. I’m also going to be taking notes and recording thoughts and taking photos and videos to turn into several articles for several media outlets.
Although I’m sort of a veteran at sticking recording devices in people’s faces and wandering the aisles of industry conventions, this is basically me pulling my introverted self as far out of my comfort zone as it’s possible to go. I hate conventions, loathe networking, and shit my pants (not literally) every time I have to conduct an interview. Thus, I am a Nervous Wreck (with capital N and W) this week, and I am attempting to plan every moment of every day so I don’t have any time to reflect on how uncomfortable I am and have a meltdown.
In the meantime, I don’t have a lot of room for ideas for blogging. So here are some links to enjoy while I meticulously set up outfits for every day of my trip and try to pin people down for interviews in my AirBnB lodgings.
- Alas, since I will be traveling and probably super-busy, I may not be able to fully participate in Refinery29’s 30 Day Masturbation Challenge. But I will try! This is a great idea–it encourages people to get to know their own bodies and desires by doing it themselves, and it even provides a day-by-day breakdown and anatomically correct (NSFW!) slides to help!
- The number 30 is popular today. Here’s SBS’s list of 30 Most Important Sex Scenes in Movie History. Interesting choices here, some with which I agree, others not so much–and a whole list of movies I should probably now watch.
- Did you know that performer and PR dynamo Kelly Shibari, this month, is the first-ever plus-sized model to be featured in Penthouse magazine? Did you know she’s hot and awesome? And did you know you can get a signed copy–and a free DVD–from Kelly at her (NSFW) store? Do it.
- Did you know that Kelly is also one of three People of the Year at the Sexpose? It’s an interesting list and one that’s worth reading for a better understanding of what’s going on in adult entertainment.
- The newly redubbed and refurbished Transgender Erotica Awards are getting bigger every year, and they just announced their (NSFW) 2016 nominees list. I’d love to get back to L.A. to attend this year–we’ll see what 2016 brings!
Also, I want to share with you the most amazing GIF of all time, which I stole from Bust Magazine.
Okay, lovely darlings! It’s time for me to get back to planning. Enjoy your early 2016. I’ll check back in with you from L.A. next week!
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