Hello, podcast listeners! You may not think of yourself as a podcast listener. But I think—no, I expect—no I demand that you listen to a podcast about decolonization. Right here, right now. (Well, okay, you can listen elsewhere. And later. But like, I really mean it, folks.)
Because my cohost Lenny Peppers and I had the most amazing conversation on our latest podcast. With Nikki Darling, aka Paisley Parker. Yes, that Nikki Darling aka Paisley Parker! The Black, queer, nonbinary human being who comes from a sex work background, and is a dancer, a poet, and a healer in training who I absolutely adore. They. Are. Brilliant.
In this hour-long conversation (which was, sadly, plagued by technical issues that led to poor sound quality, alas!), the three of us covered everything. Sex work as healing. The decolonization of the self. Roots and the sad reality of how many don’t have them. Where to find roots. Sex work as work. Destroying the mothership. Healing collective trauma. Healing individual trauma. Laughter and wonder and tears. The episode wanders and weaves and lands in many places that had me breathless with excitement. Conversations like this are exactly why Lenny and I started HourGasm.
You can listen right here in the player below, if you like, or on the HourGasm site. Or find the episode—titled “Sex Work and Personal Decolonization with Nikki Darling”—wherever you listen to podcasts!

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