The Stormy Daniels Bandwagon is One I’m Fine with Jumping On

I am 110% here to watch Donald Trump get taken down a peg (or hopefully several–hell, I hope he gets kicked out of office for this mess) by a woman who is also a sex worker who is ALSO a republican. The poetry of the situation is perfect beyond reckoning. And I’ve got plenty of popcorn ready to watch it go down. I’m also here to capitalize on Stormy’s resurgence by linking to the interviews I did with her. … Continue readingThe Stormy Daniels Bandwagon is One I’m Fine with Jumping On

An Interview with Meg Ross, Founder of The Nooky Box

I was fortunate to sit down with Meg Ross, the CEO and founder of The Nooky Box, in her backyard with a glass of wine and a recording device. And then I was fortunate enough to send the edited result of our conversation about entrepreneurship, feminism, sex-positivity, inclusivity, and, of course, lube, to the wonderful ladies of Luna Luna Magazine, who published it! … Continue readingAn Interview with Meg Ross, Founder of The Nooky Box
