Happy Hump Day, everybody! Spring is creeping into Montana, finally, and I’ve got a small dose of the good stuff: Wednesday links for you to enjoy. And—surprise!—they all have to do with porn!
- My newest article over at MEL Magazine went up today, and I’m really proud of this one. As an avid online porn consumer (it’s for research, okay? I’m a journalist!), Congress’s recent decision to repeal sweeping online privacy protections got me to thinking: What about perverts like me? Will our horny browsing habits be sold to the highest bidder? I spoke to experts at the Free Speech Coalition, the Center for Democracy and Technology, and even some VPs at PornHub and YouPorn to find out what the porn industry is doing to protect its customers.
- Kirkus Reviews reviewed my book, Watching Porn, and they seem to have liked it! In fact, they said, “Though definitely not for the sex-shy, the narrative has a breezy, conversational flow even when the author graphically discusses shock-value gonzo porn or the history of dildos,” and called the book “an intelligent, provocative, and indulgent insider’s view of the contemporary porn industry.” Squee!
- I spoke to Michelle Anne Schingler, the managing editor at Foreword Reviews (who also enjoyed Watching Porn) about ethical porn viewing, queer porn sexual revolution, and people oversharing when they learn about what I do. It was a fun conversation—you should read it!
- Oh, yeah, speaking of the book: You can preorder it now on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Powell’s, and IndieBound!
- Okay, this doesn’t have to do with porn, but we can’t all be perverts all the time! The first book from my publishing company, Oneshi Press, is now available from our website! Order your signed, limited-edition copy of this gorgeous, intricate fantasy art book written by Jayel Draco and edited by yours truly. If you order now, we’ll include some Oneshi Press shwag in your shipment, because we love you guys!
Have a great week, everybody.