I’m happy to report that my live appearance on the Sex City radio show on CIUT in Toronto last week went swimmingly! Jon Pressick is a great guy and he has a fantastic radio voice, btw. We talked about how I got started in this libidinous business, one of my favorite porno films, my recent writing, and he was cool enough to bring up my graphic novel!
You can listen to the whole show below, including interviews with sex educator Jess O’Reilly and Sex and Shakespeare author Jillian Keenan first! (I come in around the 45:00 mark.)
I’m really glad that I got to plug the hell out of the lavish, massive, epic graphic novel Tracy Queen, and to reveal publicly for the first time that, after much difficult decision-making, illustrator Jayel Draco and I have decided to publish this massive graphic novel ourselves!
That’s right! We’ll be launching our own publishing company, Oneshi Press, in the next month, funding it mainly through Patreon, and unleashing Tracy Queen–along with a deluge of other wonderful projects–on the world! More news on that to come as our plans develop. For now, just visit the Tracy Queen website and poke around to learn more about the project.