Sorry, my lovelies, for the misdirection about a supposed radio show last night! Porno Jim and I were under the impression that the episode of the Porno Jim Show we recorded together over the summer would air last night on Radio Free Brooklyn, but we discovered after the broadcast began that there had been a scheduling mix-up! My episode will air next Friday, November 27, at midnight EST!
Don’t be sad, my snuggle muffins, if you tuned in to the radio show last night (November 20) and were treated to a me-less episode, though! I enjoyed heering Jim chat porn with his first guest Christie (who loves James Deen) and his second guest Gary (who I suspect had no clue what sex-positivity was until Jim had his hilarious way with him… and that’s not what it sounds like, really)! I hope you did, too! (…also, in retrospect, not what it sounds like.)
And also, hey. Let’s be real: This Friday will be the day after Thanksgiving. A lot of us will be with family on the long Thanksgiving weekend. A lot of us will love our families dearly but will be very much in need of some grown-up time by ourselves to recover from the stifling of our inner pervs and trying not to throw pumpkin pie in Aunt Shirley’s face if she says onemoreogddamnthing about how Donald Trump is “a man of the people,” amirite? Just think what a release turning on the Porno Jim Show will be, listening to me and Porno Jim discuss the nitty gritty of porn trends, parody filming techniques, condoms vs. testing in the biz, our favorite movies, and much more! Mark your calendars and excuse yourselves from the political debates over leftovers next Friday, November 27, at midnight EST!