Hello, everyone! I’m so sorry I’ve been out of commission on this website for a little while. I have been super crazy busy doing super crazy cool things, like a three-day photo shoot that I’m so psyched to show you the results of when they come in! (Hint: There may be shots of me reading a first edition of the Kinsey Report in fancy makeup, pin-up style.) I’ve had no time to get in front of my computer until today. And tomorrow I’m going on a week-long trip. So, real quick, here are some links for you to enjoy!
- Guys! Guys! There are now $5.95 rentals of CrashPad available at PinkLabel.tv! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Go get them!
- There’s a great round-up of sex-related news, as always, over at Kinkly…and I just happen to be on their list for that article I wrote about the Buck-off!
- Oh you should probably go buy this freaking HOT scene featuring Stoya and Wolf Hudson, two of my biggest porn heartthrobs, in Mexico City last year, which you can own for $3.99. (One reason I love TrenchcoatX is that the porn there is made ethically, and another thing I love is that I find most of it crazy hot, but another thing I love about it is that you can purchase scenes for totally reasonable prices.)
- If you follow any porn performers on social media, you may have seen a meme developing, like this one featuring the stunning Arabelle Raphael. Prop 60 is terrible, mmkay? Learn more about the proposition, why it sucks, how it will hurt the adult entertainment industry for no good reason, and what you can do to make sure it doesn’t pass in California in November.
- Ok, this article on Refinery 29 about the writer’s “Secret Life in Porn” isn’t exactly the most groundbreaking thing I’ve ever read, but I think that’s mostly because her experiences are similar in many ways to my own. An outsider who’s sort of an insider. If you’re interested in that weird liminal space we exist in, check it out.
- This might be a little self-serving since I’m currently writing for MEL Magazine, but I want to point you to their series on little-known fetishes and the people who have them. I love how humanizing these articles are, and I find this stuff sooooo fascinating. This one is an interview with a guy who gets kicked in the balls for fun and profit.
- For those of you who are interested in sex workers’ rights (like me), you may be intrigued and outraged to find out that AirBnB is kicking sex workers off its platform…and AirBnB isn’t the only one.
- Oh, that photo up there? Ten Inch Mutant Ninja Turtles? It’s for this:
I’ll be back in about a week! Talk to y’all then! And I’ll be working on a cool article that you will probably enjoy. Details to come!