I’m not going to tell you in my own words why you need to read the interview I did with Arrie Davidson, aka Faux Pas le Fae, about her new show, “No Safe Word,” debuting tomorrow night at Dixon Place. The show is a sort of movement-based performance that is Arrie processing her experiences as a professional kink worker, and… I’ll let her tell you why this interview, and this show, are worth your time:
“For clients, there’s a safe word. There’s something you say if the scene has gone too far, beyond a comfort level you can deal with, and it’s not a word you want a client to say–you don’t want to push them there–but it’s like, “That’s it.” And, you know, the monologue is about how basically, for my family, I am red. When I told them who I was, they basically said, “Well, if you don’t want to play the role prescribed to you, as the son, then you’re not welcome. You can’t play in the family scene anymore. Too much. Red. Go away.” So, basically, I embody the safe word. That’s how I feel.”
That’s just the tip of this incredible iceberg. Please. Please go read the rest of the interview. It’s at Luna Luna. It is profound.
That is all.
Oh, except, if you’re in New York and you’re free tomorrow (August 1) at 10:00 p.m… GO SEE NO SAFE WORD.