Porn addiction is not the problem. You are.
READ THIS. It’s about porn addiction. And how it’s not a thing. Oh. YEAH. Thank you thank you thank you, science, for saying this shit! Now granted, this was written
READ THIS. It’s about porn addiction. And how it’s not a thing. Oh. YEAH. Thank you thank you thank you, science, for saying this shit! Now granted, this was written
Ok, peeps, let me ask you something. Why the fuck don’t you ever comment on this page? Seriously. I write like… a lot. And I know y’all are reading it.
1) Angelina Jolie’s boobs are gone. At least her real boobs are gone. And you know what, awesome. She’s still going to be gorgeous and powerful and do what the
My old and dear friend Tom has recently released his latest post-punk album as Vanity Police. Listening to friends’ music is always a scary thing because you don’t know going
KaPLOW! I got back to civilization just in time to find out that there will soon be an academic journal about porn! Editors Feona Attwood (Middlesex University) and Clarissa Smith
In a series of conversations, some of them with a troll on a Village Voice article about Stoya, and others after the fact with friends about my anger and passion
Blam! A photo by Jayel Draco, 2013.
Just wrapped up a lil photoshoot sesh of me with my Feminist Porn Award. Because I’m kind of a show-off. (And because the Good For Her people asked for photos
So I cut my hair off a few months ago. Last year, actually. During the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. My office in Manhattan had no electricity or phones for a
Continue reading“Why the change?”: Why do I need a reason for a haircut?
Last night I read about ten minutes of poetry at Patasola’s Parlor, a monthly reading and performance series coproduced by Lisa Marie Basile and Emily Linstrom, two powerhouse NYC poets