I’ve Been Busy This Week
This week I did some stuff you can check out online! An interview with Native filmmaker Angel White Eyes, and me on the Bitch Media “Popcast”! … Continue readingI’ve Been Busy This Week
This week I did some stuff you can check out online! An interview with Native filmmaker Angel White Eyes, and me on the Bitch Media “Popcast”! … Continue readingI’ve Been Busy This Week
The arrangement that you have with him is probably sort of unspoken. It likely didn’t start out the way it is now. Chances are he was just your boyfriend or good friend at first, and he saw all the hard work you were doing. He offered to drop you off and pick you up at a shoot one day, and ended up helping you with your bags… … Continue reading“Suitcase Pimps” in the Adult Industry: an informational essay
Well this week’s return to the world has been pretty tough on me, so here are some awesome, bizarre, ultra-bizarre, and heh-worthy links and videos for you to enjoy and feel less-serious about as you sip coffee in the nude on your fire escape this weekend.
I mean. That’s what you do on weekends, right? It’s what I do on weekends…
Anyway. … Continue readingLess Serious Links and Videos for Your Nude Weekend Coffee Sipping. Or Whatever.
I am grateful to Christy Mack for having the courage to speak up and bravely show photos of the results of her assault–so often these kinds of domestic attacks happen in the shadows. Women, and all victims of abuse, are often afraid to speak up or have been convinced by the world that it is somehow their fault. Her willingness to show her injuries and to talk to the world about what happened shines a light into an often-dark corner of the world that affects so many. … Continue readingChristy Mack: Thoughts And Upsetness and Bravery
So I went to Montana for ten days. It was amazing. I had a blast. And my tablet screen broke so I couldn’t use it at all, and I had
I find it baffling. Like, why not moan or grunt a little, or just breath heavily? Why this weird tooth-sucking hiss thing? Does anyone out there have an answer, or speculation? I’m really curious about this phenomenon. … Continue readingAnother Pointless Pondering: the hissing inhale thing
A new article of mine was published over the weekend at Luna Luna! This one is an advice column to a young man named James, who wonders how to get his l0w-libidoed girlfriend to be more interested in sex. … Continue readingLuna Luna: She’s Just Not That Into It (Having Sex)
It’s that time of year again! What time of year? you may be asking. The time when we take off our shoes and lay around on the grass? The time when we buy food-truck morsels and have a picnic? The time when we take a free ferry to a free poetry festival and enjoy the summer on Governor’s Island? … Continue readingCome See Me at the 4th Annual New York City Poetry Festival
Soooo here’s an admission. I’m out sick today and I suddenly started thinking about the issue of spit being exchanged in “adult films.” And I realized I don’t really dig it when people drip spit into each other’s mouths, or spit on each other’s faces or anywhere else. I see it pretty often, and it kind of grosses me out. … Continue readingPointless Pondering on a Sick Day: The Spit Thing
Over the course of the Earth’s last revolution around the Sun, Luna Luna has transformed from 10 or so driven writers and a few readers to over a million hits to date, more than 50 regular writers and contributors, numerous articles that have gone viral, regular features and columns, and general badassitude on a scale nobody could have predicted. … Continue readingLuna Luna Magazine: 1 Year Old and Full of Itself (and my writing)